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Laurel High Global School


Learning needs a safe, valued, inspiring and supported environment. Laurel High Global School creates an inviting, respectful, and nurturing learning environment and strongly believes in the following principles of learning.

Learners progressively develop knowledge, skills and values.
Children move through different stages of development at their own rate and in their own way. We measure learning in a variety of ways, and gauge achievement on a continuum.

Learners are basically curious and competent
Children experience and build on their varied experiences, prior knowledge, and perspectives in the process of learning. We provide learners with opportunities to express themselves, discover new interests, and challenge themselves to maximize and become actively responsible for their own learning.

Learners construct knowledge, and co-construct knowledge through social interaction
Students can expand their knowledge of the world, build understanding, and create new ideas through individual and collaborative questioning, evaluating, and revising.

Learners can express their understanding in a variety of ways.
Learning looks different at each stage and reflects learners’ individual strengths, needs, and learning styles. Children are provided various options for processing and demonstrating their learning.

Learning is optimized within stimulating and thoughtfully created environments.
Our learning spaces are welcoming and aesthetically pleasing for each stage of development. Opportunities for learning include a wide range of resources that are technology driven and digital resources. Learning engagements are inspiring, thought provoking, and relevant.

Learners progress better toward their academic potential in challenging learning environments.
We expect the best of our students and hold them accountable to challenging standards of performance. They know what excellence looks like and what it takes to achieve it.

Learning requires meaningful feedback and reflection.
Teachers provide frequent oral and written feedback that informs and improves learning. Opportunities are provided for learners to think about how, what, and why they are learning, and to participate in peer and self-assessment.

Dialogue is a primary process through which children construct knowledge.
Building new understandings is often a social process. Teachers enable students to construct new ideas together through dialogue, and to use language as a tool for reasoning and inquiry.

Engaging students in Heuristic inquiry helps in fostering lifelong curiosity and meaningful learning.
Our students are enlightened through questioning, and empowered through knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes to continue learning throughout their lives. They use their learning to take meaningful action in response to their own needs and the needs of others.