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Laurel High Global School


The Laurel High Global School curriculum framework is thoughtfully designed to facilitate learning that value and celebrate the diversity of the learner and the learning process in an inclusive and caring environment. It empowers the learner with the educational, personal and inter-personal skills needed to exercise leadership in a global society by widening the lifelong learning opportunities.

Laurel High Global School supports the personal development of children in the social, emotional, intellectual, physical, moral, aesthetic areas, develops the abilities and skills, and creates prerequisites for further education. It prepares them for the life in the society, in accordance with individual and age-related developmental challenges of children with the following competencies:

  • Psychomotor Competences
  • Personality Competences
  • Social Competences
  • Communicative Competences
  • Cognitive Competences
  • Competences for Learning to Learn
  • Information Competences

Psychomotor Competences
Uses all senses in an activity, –manages motor system and bodily function, – shows desire and willingness to move, – manages basic locomotors movements, – uses the acquired way of movement activities in novel, unknown problem situations, – uses the global motor faculty through overcoming natural and artificial obstacles, – shows graphomotor literacy, – behaves considerately towards his or her health and the health of others, – shows positive attitudes to the healthy lifestyle.

Personality (Intrapersonal) Competences
Learns basics of the awareness of self – is aware of his or her own identity, – in the behaviour shows the relation to the self and to others, – expresses one’s own feelings and assesses one’s own actual emotional state, – estimates one’s own abilities and competencies, – behaves self-assuredly in different situations – is aware of the consequences of one’s own behaviour with regards to other persons. Learns basics of engagement – assertive with regards to the self and others, – defends the self and others, the sick, persons with a handicap, the weak and the helpless, – is interested in the events in the family, in the kindergarten and in immediate environment.

Social (Interpersonal) Competences
Looks at the world also through the eyes of others, – shows empathy to the neighbourhood, – behaves in the group, collective according to social rules and norms, – plays and works in pair, group, collective, – plans, organizes, and evaluates the activity, – remains playing and involved in other activity and completes it, – assumes co- responsibility for the self and the activity of the group, – establishes contacts with others in a socially acceptable manner and maintains harmonious relations with them, – resolves conflicts with the help of adults or autonomously, – helps others, both with the help of an adult and autonomously, – accepts and respects multicultural differences of children and adults, – shows consideration for his or her environment.

Communicative Competences
Leads a monologue, establishes and leads a dialogue and conversation with children and adults, – actively listens to and understands the ideas and information from different media, – expresses and communicates one’s own thoughts, opinions, – reproduces announcements, texts, – selects adequate, creative way of communication with regards to the situation, – communicates his or her acquired knowledge, – shows pre-reading literacy, – shows understanding and recognizes that some people communicate also in other languages.

Cognitive Competences
Learns basics of problem solving –seeks and discovers connections between particular information, discovers the information which facilitates problem solving, – resolves independently, or with the help of the teacher the problems in the personal and social layer, – solves simple problem tasks, – applies in play and in different situations mathematical thinking. Learns basics of critical thinking – compares similarities and differences of objects, phenomena, persons, etc., – gives reasons for his or her opinions, expresses attitudes, articulates simple judgments, – evaluates spontaneously and independently in his or her immediate surroundings his/her likes/dislikes, what is right/wrong, what is good/bad about the things, persons and opinions. Develops basics of creative thinking – applies own imagination in problem solving, – finds uncommon answers or solutions, – discovers and finds functionality of things, fantasies or thoughts, realizes their changes, – discovers the algorithm of problem solving by trial and error, or according to given instructions, removes potential error.

Competences for Learning to Learn
Shows curiosity and spontaneous interest in leaning new knowledge, – uses adequate notions, signs and symbols, – observes, examines, experiments, – identifies and seeks connections between one’s own experience and knowledge, – applies in play, diverse activities and situations the acquired knowledge and experience, – asks questions and looks for the answers in order to understand the surrounding world of things, phenomena, events and relations, – learns spontaneously (through own curiosity) and intentionally (under the teacher’s guidance), – makes willing efforts in play and other activity, – overcomes obstacles in order to learn, – plans and organizes optimally the environment for the activity, – shows activity in individual and group learning, – evaluates own performance, takes pleasure in own results, recognizes also the performance of others, – masters the basics of learning on the basis of personal motivation, – learns to work with toys, the book and the learning aids, – concentrates for adequate periods of time on play and on purposeful adult-directed educational activity.

Information Competencesn
Shows pleasure in autonomously acquired information, – makes use of different sources of information acquisition and gathering, also outside the kindergarten (from surrounding persons, from children’s books, magazines and encyclopaedias, through information and communication technologies, from a variety of media) The set of competences serves the teachers to know where to direct their pedagogic action through purposeful, meaningful educational activity that is appropriate to the children’s developmental capacities. For children to acquire the competences (capabilities), an essential change of the content, the way of education, the methods and educational strategies towards participative, interactive and experience-based learning is desirable, one that would be based on experience and linked to life.
The current generation of students has particular needs as learners in the 21st century, and will face various new challenges throughout their lives. The University of Cambridge defines the current generation of students as, multi-taskers, people who text as much as they talk, digitally literate, personalized learners, requiring social orientation, needing immediate feedback and having short attention spans’. These factors, coupled with the extreme pace of change in this digital age and the wider needs of society in the 21st Century, influence the curriculum we provide.
For the purpose of developing competency, creativity, culture and commitment in students, Laurel High Global School provides ‘Three Strands of Education’
    • Commitment to Excellence in the chosen academic program
    • Complete awareness of one's own self
    • Cohesive personality with ability to respect and relate to others with tolerance
Our Curriculum therefore places strong emphasis on the ‘Essential Core Skills’
    • Literacy (reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in English and other chosen languages)
    • Mathematics (Problem solving, logic, reasoning and critical thinking)
    • Science (Scientific attitude, Scientific temper and rational Mind)
    • Social Studies (Social sensitivity, citizenship, social responsibility)
    • Digital Literacy (Exploring the world of web, Open Educational Resources, ICT Skills)
With all the above competencies, we meet all of our developmental objectives in a fun, caring, nurturing environment, and at a pace that every child is individually comfortable with. Our children can stand out as natural leaders in a group and can communicate effectively with peers and elders.